M White

Personal and family stories

Irene, Dan, Maurice First 3 children's #7

Marian White

Jul 24 2011

Hear about the weather, the roads, the transportation required to get to the Hospital and how the hospital was packed during these Baby Boom years.

About Marian White

After graduating from the University of Prince Edward Island I volunteered with CUSO in Nigeria. In the 80s I worked with Oxfam Canada in Halifax as a development educator working across the Maritime region. In 1994 I began to work with CUSO in the Atlantic region and enjoy my current work with Cuso International.

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Recent Episodes

#000 Christmas at Tracadie White House
#000 Christmas song by Pam Rowe.
Fr. Phil Callaghan sings
Logan White, 'The Baby Basket' project
Ed White, Child #10
Eli, son of Peter White, Child #6
Janet White-Riddell, Child #9
Bob White, Child #4
Maurice White, Child #3
Ernie Beagan of Donagh